ELA Supports The Institute for Women's Policy Research
Posted by Becca Scarlett on
Each time you purchase an item (yoga mat, leggings, notebook, sticker... anything!) from Empowered Life Apparel, you have the opportunity to support the Institute for Women's Policy Research. IWPR has a statement that we couldn't agree with more: "A just future starts with bold ideas". Current and past achievements have been incredibly impactful in illuminating gender disparities and lifting the voices of women. Their evidence-based mentality and determination reflects the go-getter, community focused attitude we have here at ELA. After thorough research and comparison, the aforementioned reasons and the non-profit's basis of women's empowerment contributed to our final decision, bringing us to the conclusion that IWPR is by far the best-matched charity for ELA Empire to support. Their mission is, "We win economic equity for all women and eliminate barriers to their full participation in society. As a leading national think tank, we build evidence to shape policies that grow women’s power and influence, close inequality gaps, and improve the economic well-being of families."